Testimonial – Carol Lee

  “I am so happy that Carol the reader is working for you now. She is excellent. I have been going to see Carol for years and I think she is one of the most accurate readers I have ever been to. You will be very happy with her.”……………Susan

Testimonial: Lynne-Marie

“Lynne- Marie was accurate! She starting picking up messages as soon as I sat down. She had much to say. I didn’t have to say much, she knew and said it all.”

Testimonial: Lynne-Marie

“Lynne was amazingly accurate in reading me. Her messages made a lot of sense for me, and supporting information for those messages were spot on!”

Testimonial: Robin Curtin

“Thank you so much! You helped me gain compassion for those signs I thought were difficult. You changed my perspective, you have a gift”…..Christina W.

Testimonial: Jen Carnali

I’ve had many massages over the years and Jen is the best massage therapist I’ve had! She listens! She takes her cue from you. I always feel comfortable, cared for, safe and relaxed on her table. …….Lori

Testimonial: JoAnne Woods Young

“JoAnne, thank you so much for my Reiki treatment and the powerful messages from my Angels, Husband, and Grandfather. You are so awesome and are so awesome at what you do! I am still blown away! It was an extremely healing session for me both physically and emotionally. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

Testimonial: Cathy

A session with Cathy is like coming home. She creates a warm, caring atmosphere that makes you feel completely relaxed, welcomed and safe. She has a unique ability to help a person come to their own understanding of what they need to move forward to find the joy and peace they are looking for. Through her healing sessions and angelic consultations she is able to help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you most want to be in your life. Cathy not only helps you understand what is holding you back but also provides you with thoughtful insights and inspired suggestions to help you begin or continue on your life journey. The power of her energy combined with her gentle, graceful presence makes you feel as if you have connected with a force that has the potential to change your life for good.”…….Kathleen, Program Administer and Teacher.

Testimonial: Cathy

“Cathy’s readings are very enlightening and informative. Her intuitive nature coupled with her connection to the Angelic Realm is nothing short of incredible. I am very fortunate to be able to have experienced these readings for they have given me guided direction when needed in life, love and my own spiritual aspirations. Thank you, Cathy, once again, and blessings.”   Linda, Professor and Energy Healer, Spring 2009


Hypnosis: Cheryl 

In hypnosis, as your mind relaxes, you are responsive to positive and beneficial messages that can be accepted by the subconscious mind, replacing negative messages stored there.  Hypnosis is a scientifically verified and effective technique that can promote accelerated human change.  With hypnosis, we can create desired changes in behavior and encourage mental and physical well-being.  Learn how to apply “the secret” or “the law of attraction” by discovering the power of your unconscious mind.  Hypnosis can help:

1. Weight Loss

2. Quit Smoking

3. Improve memory, concentration, and study habits

4. Sleep better and more !!!!


Past Life Regression:  Cheryl  

How a past life regression is conducted:  In a “hypnotic” state you are regressed to a lifetime that is most beneficial for you to explore. You are guided through the significant events of a lifetime, through the death experience, and then a “life review”.  This is where the purpose of that lifetime, the lessons learned, and decisions made are examined from a higher, spiritual perspective.  The focus is to look at what is most important about that prior life in terms of the client’s current personality and situation.  Reviewing the main events of a past life and reprocessing the impact helps you to bring closure to the events of that lifetime, which can help you to move more freely in this lifetime.



Psychic Readings: Emma, DJ

Tarot Card Readings:  Emma, DJ

Tarot Card Readings offer you clarity and insights to help you make choices to create the life you want by consulting ancient symbology cards for answers to past, present, and future questions.

Animal Medicine Card Readings:  Mandy

Animal Medicine Cards is a system of divination and understanding that was created by Jamie Sams and David Carson, two Native American writers and teachers, to bring awareness to people about the help and guidance that is available through the power of animals. There are many different card spreads used to focus the medicine (help) where it is specifically needed. Each reading will bring enlightenment as well as entertainment to anyone open to the experience.

Mediumship Readings:  Emma, Mandy, DJ

Receive messages from loved ones who have passed over.

Intuitive Angel Readings:  Cheryl

The purpose of an Angel Reading is to bring you peace, clarity and healing at this moment in time An angel reading session begins with an opening prayer followed by a channeling of messages from your Angels, Guides, and loved ones in the spirit world.  Inspirational Angel Cards are then used in chosen spread to answer any further questions.  During an Angel Reading messages come in the form of visions, impressions and empathic feelings. The visions range from symbolic to actual events; past, present and future possibilities. Even visions from a past or future life; people you have known in the past; and people you may meet in the future; spirit animal guides, and masters of many spiritual traditions. The information that comes through is never predetermined. Free will and choice is a gift given to us all and it’s up to you to take action and co-create with the angels to manifest the life you truly desire. All readings will be a reflection of where you are now and the possibilities that are open to you.  Angel messages are always loving. Often times information is received ahead of a session. While in session it is unlimited, exciting and based upon your questions!