The Book That Launched Uplifting Connections: Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

This book resonated so strongly in our lives that we all – my husband John, my stepdaughter Jen, and me – ended up with our own copies, dog-eared and well-loved. It shaped our experience with cancer and continues to shape my life to this day.

One of the central tenets of the book is that every thought, word, or act puts energy into the world – and that any of these at heart come from a sponsoring thought of love or fear. You can live in fear or live in love–unconditional love. Your focus determines your experience. Because of this book on our journey, we chose love.

When the time came to let go of John’s current incarnation, we knew he was going to a safe and loving place and we were able to let go in love and peace without fear. In honor of my husband and my father who passed away soon before John, and as a way to put powerful and perspective-changing resources like Conversations with God into people’s hands, I created Uplifting Connections – an oasis of wellness and positive energy where people can find books, services, and workshops to help them on their journeys.