Services:  Swedish, Deep Tissue Massage

Bio: Angela is a recent graduate of Bancroft School of Massage in Worcester. After deciding 15 months ago that it was time to make a career change, she embarked on a new path leading to avenues where she can help people in ways which were not possible before. She loves to work with her hands and has always expressed herself through them as an artist and musician. Now those hands can express themselves through a new medium; massage which is an art form in itself.

In only a short time, Angela has worked with some extraordinary people coming from all walks of life. Spending over 100 internship/volunteer hours in all types of settings including UMass Cancer Walks, Vets Inc., Sherry’s House, part of the Why My organization and Bancroft’s in-house Student Clinic. Angela has worked on dozens of clients from age 8-96 with all types of pathologies and conditions: cancer, MS, carpal tunnel, frozen shoulder, piriformis syndrome, migraines and sciatica to name a few. From administering vigorous pre-event treatments to athletes to simple heart-felt hand massages to our senior community, Angela adapts and listens to who her client is and what they need. Her instructors and clients comment consistently on her intuition, laid-back and calming vibe that puts people at ease and quick wit, light-hearted sense of humor. She’s always trying to get that smile out of you, and she will!

Angela is eager to learn and wants to keep adding to her “arsenal of wellness”. With Swedish and deep-tissue massage under her belt, she plans to get certified in hot-stone massage in April, obtain certification in geriatric massage and wants to learn Myofascial release techniques in the coming year as well.

Medium psychic angel crystal metaphysical tarot reading reiki

(Bet you can’t watch this one without crying happy tears!)

(Wait for it, it builds…there is something about this video that says more than a million words could about how connected we all are.)

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.

~ Jim Rohn

“It is essential to happiness that our way of living should spring from our own deep impulses and not from the accidental tastes and desires of those who happen to be our neighbors, or even our relations.”

~ Bertrand Russell.

“May today there be peace within.  May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  May you not forget gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that settles into our bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.  It is there for each and every one of you.” – St. Theresa’s prayer

Learn what is the soul’s desire, and go with that. Go with the soul. What the soul is after is – the highest feeling of love you can imagine. This is the soul’s desire. This is its purpose. – Neale Donald Walsch

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Uplifting Connections

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