Archives for December 2011


“Amazing. I had tears in my eyes. Donna read me like a book. Thank you.”


“Cathi is extremely knowledgeable, caring and compassionate. She was right on!”


“It was by far the best reading I ever had. There was not one thing that didn’t fit. It was such a release. I left feeling so unbelievable…and I can’t wait to do it again!”


“Meeting Jackie was an amazing experience. She brought through my close friend and accurately told details. Wish we had more time. Amazing!”

How to Have a Good Reading with a Medium

First, come with an open mind and heart. 

Second, know that if you are looking to connect with one specific individual in the spirit world, it cannot be guaranteed that they will show up in a reading; you may hear from old friends or be the middleman who passes messages to a friend. That’s not to say you will not hear from the certain person you wish to connect with– just that it cannot always be guaranteed.

Third, if possible, get some information about your family beforehand; names, places, occupations, etc. so if the lesser known family members come through you will be able to validate them.

Fourth, know that people who have passed on are coming through to show you that life continues and they are still around you.  They are not coming through to give you predictions.

Fifth, spirit manifests and provides evidence in many ways; physical features, personality, relationships, names, memories, favorite hobbies etc. Be open to validate whatever comes through from spirit. Please listen to the information that is coming through.  It may not be obvious to the Medium that something is important, but it could be very significant to you.

Sixth, please do not wait to hear what YOU may want to hear; a medium can only give you what they are getting by interpreting the information the best way they can.  Each psychic/medium is different and unique in their abilities. Every session is different and every spirit that comes through is just as unique. Please keep an open mind and listen to the information coming through, so you can have a rewarding and positive experience.

Crystal Journey Candles

Our customers choose Crystal Journey candles for their beautiful intentions and affirmations, their Reiki charged positive energy, and their delicious scents from blends of essential oils. Dozens of intentions to choose from, like Abundance, Joy, Laughter, and Angel’s Influence. For five years, these have been our number one candle seller.  Affordable too at $8 for a pillar, and $5.25 for a glass votive.


Hypnosis: Cheryl 

In hypnosis, as your mind relaxes, you are responsive to positive and beneficial messages that can be accepted by the subconscious mind, replacing negative messages stored there.  Hypnosis is a scientifically verified and effective technique that can promote accelerated human change.  With hypnosis, we can create desired changes in behavior and encourage mental and physical well-being.  Learn how to apply “the secret” or “the law of attraction” by discovering the power of your unconscious mind.  Hypnosis can help:

1. Weight Loss

2. Quit Smoking

3. Improve memory, concentration, and study habits

4. Sleep better and more !!!!


Past Life Regression:  Cheryl  

How a past life regression is conducted:  In a “hypnotic” state you are regressed to a lifetime that is most beneficial for you to explore. You are guided through the significant events of a lifetime, through the death experience, and then a “life review”.  This is where the purpose of that lifetime, the lessons learned, and decisions made are examined from a higher, spiritual perspective.  The focus is to look at what is most important about that prior life in terms of the client’s current personality and situation.  Reviewing the main events of a past life and reprocessing the impact helps you to bring closure to the events of that lifetime, which can help you to move more freely in this lifetime.



Psychic Readings: Emma, DJ

Tarot Card Readings:  Emma, DJ

Tarot Card Readings offer you clarity and insights to help you make choices to create the life you want by consulting ancient symbology cards for answers to past, present, and future questions.

Animal Medicine Card Readings:  Mandy

Animal Medicine Cards is a system of divination and understanding that was created by Jamie Sams and David Carson, two Native American writers and teachers, to bring awareness to people about the help and guidance that is available through the power of animals. There are many different card spreads used to focus the medicine (help) where it is specifically needed. Each reading will bring enlightenment as well as entertainment to anyone open to the experience.

Mediumship Readings:  Emma, Mandy, DJ

Receive messages from loved ones who have passed over.

Intuitive Angel Readings:  Cheryl

The purpose of an Angel Reading is to bring you peace, clarity and healing at this moment in time An angel reading session begins with an opening prayer followed by a channeling of messages from your Angels, Guides, and loved ones in the spirit world.  Inspirational Angel Cards are then used in chosen spread to answer any further questions.  During an Angel Reading messages come in the form of visions, impressions and empathic feelings. The visions range from symbolic to actual events; past, present and future possibilities. Even visions from a past or future life; people you have known in the past; and people you may meet in the future; spirit animal guides, and masters of many spiritual traditions. The information that comes through is never predetermined. Free will and choice is a gift given to us all and it’s up to you to take action and co-create with the angels to manifest the life you truly desire. All readings will be a reflection of where you are now and the possibilities that are open to you.  Angel messages are always loving. Often times information is received ahead of a session. While in session it is unlimited, exciting and based upon your questions!


Massage and Energy Work

Swedish Relaxation Massage: Gina, Mette, Lisa

Unwind and surrender to a session that is totally focused on you and your comfort.  Aching muscles will be soothed and stretched for deep relaxation and an overall sense of well-being.  Some range of motion and/or intramuscular manipulation may also be integrated, for a deeper release of muscular tension.

Holistic Massage: Gina

Your relaxation session begins with a crystal meditation and an affirmation for your highest healing potential. A Swedish relaxation massage is followed by a chakra clearing and balancing. A sense of peace and well-being will be gained.

Deep Tissue Massage: Gina, Mette, Lisa

Deep tissue massage uses firmer pressure throughout the massage. Focuses on specific areas of tension and helps to relieve pain and discomfort.

Reiki: Gina, Marie, Mette, Rachelle, Emma

Reiki is a hands on energy healing art. The practitioner places her hands on or just above the client’s body in order to activate healing energy within receptive points on the body. The flow of energy is strengthened to encourage healing through the return of physical, mental and spiritual balance.

Reflexology:  Rachelle

Rachelle’s reflexology blends unique skills she has incorporated from several modalities.  Reflexology activates the inherent healing powers of the body and promotes overall health.  She applies various touch techniques to areas on your hands, feet, and ears that correspond to organs and systems in the body. The treatment promotes a deep sense of relaxation and supports the natural healing properties of the body.

Rachelle’s treatment incorporates a color reading using aurosoma which allows her to get a feel for what’s going on with the client.  She will often walk her clients through a chakra clearing meditation to clear their mind and focus them fully on healing and relaxation while working both the hands and the feet.  She also often incorporates a spa treatment with hot towels with lime essential oil herbal lotion.

A 90 minute session would also incorporate craniosacral therapy, Reiki, or IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) depending on what the client’s body asks for.  As she continues to work with clients in additional sessions, she adds in other modalities such as checking chakras using a pendulum, adding powerful crystals to help release energy blockages, and aura cleansing.

Polarity Therapy: Gina, Emma

Polarity Therapy seeks to balance the energy fields of the body to revitalize the life force.  Polarity therapy includes polarity bodywork (similar to massage), crystal meditations, aura and chakra clearings. Each session includes an affirmation for your highest healing potential, to bring a new sense of wholeness, insight and clarity.

Sports Therapy: Gina

is used to help prevent injuries, prepare the body for athletic activity and maintain it in optimal condition. It also helps athletes recover from workouts and injuries.

Accupressure Shiatsu:  Jill

Acupressure Shiatsu is a specific style of Asian Bodywork Therapy which can be thought of as acupuncture without the needles. 

The Japanese word shiatsu means “finger pressure” and is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Firm but gentle pressure is applied to specific points on the body’s energy pathways to improve the flow of energy or “qi” and balance the body, mind and spirit.

In addition to balancing your body’s energy, increasing physical mobility and calming your mind, regular treatments can reduce or eliminate symptoms of: back, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, anxiety and stress, insomnia, arthritis pain and poor digestion. Shiatsu work can also prevent you from becoming ill from the common cold or flu. 

Chakra Balancing: Gina, Marie, Emma

a hands-on healing technique that uses the 7 major energy centers in the body (chakras) to release the blockages and restore flow to the body’s energetic system.  Results may include mental, emotional, or spiritual shifts and a deep sense of relaxation.

CranioSacral Therapy: Rachelle

A light-touch approach that can create dramatic improvements in your life. It releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve the whole-body health and performance.

Reiki Plus: Emma

Emma’s Reiki Plus healing could include elements of several different types of healings, including Meridian Therapy, Crystal Healing, Polarity Therapy, Light Ray Therapy & Shinkinko Therapy. She will be guided by your energy and use what will bring you the most effective healing for you in that session.

Cheryl’s Signature SessionCheryl

Experience an hour of healing that supports your whole well being and allows you to access your own natural resources to strengthen body, mind and spirit.  The session is a combination of energy work and intuitive, psychic messages. The session opens with setting your intention and choosing an Angel Card to set the tone for healing.  A short prayer, followed by a guided meditation leads into the energy work through Reiki, Crystal Healing or Integrated Energy Therapy. Harmonic Sound and Toners and additional Angel Cards maybe used during your session to enhance the energetic results. The session ends with a summary of messages received from Spirit during and after the healing. 

Intro to Crystals

Many people are drawn to crystals – even when they don’t know about the powers they have.  Crystals can help heal just about anything, including a bruised heart and a troubled mind. 

Some of the most popular include:

  • ROSE QUARTZ:  When you wear rose quartz, the energy it has heals the heart. The vibration is love.
  • AMETHYST: When you have trouble sleeping, place amethyst under your pillow. It will help you sleep and dream. Its vibration helps you to relax.
  • CLEAR QUARTZ: Helps clear your mind.  Clear quartz can help you remember things and your recall will be better.  Carry the crystal on you when at work or in school.

Crystals come in a variety of sizes and styles.  Uplifting Connections carries tumbled stone crystals, large raw crystals, pendants, tabbies, lamps, pendulums, and more. 

When you use crystals with Reiki, you can call on the light to activate on the person so your healing goes into the body at the point of concern or pain.

The best way to use Crystals is topically.  They always give off their healing vibrations, so keeping them on or near you can work wonders.  You can also use them to help clean the energy in a room or a house. 

If you are looking to set up a healing space, place them in the room you will be working in.   It takes about a half hour for the healing energy to build in the room.

I hope you will try to use crystals.  I have been working with them from the age of 8 when my sister Chris gave me my first crystal.  Little did I know how I would come to need them in my life or how much a part of my life they would be from that day on.

I love to share my knowledge about crystals.  There is so much to learn!  The more I learn, the more I love them.  There are hundreds of different types of crystals used for a variety of things.  I teach classes on crystals in which we study the different types of crystals, how to take care of them, and much more.  I also  offer crystal healings at Uplifting Connections.  If you have any questions, find me at the store, and I’d be happy to help you!