Peg Jones

Biography of Peg Jones, ALC

Peg is a certified Angelic Life Coach, and certified Angel Card reader, Akashic Records Practitioner, Energy healer: Reiki 1 and 2, and IET level1.  Peg is also an author of the book living in the Heart Place with your Angels: Daily Angelical Whispers throughout the year and was published July of 2013. This is a book of daily angel messages, and journal writing exercise. Peg will guide you to understand the messages of the angels for you.

Peg Jones offers Intuitive channeled Angel Card readings, personalized guided meditations, spiritual life coaching with Angels, and Akashic Record readings. For Akashic Records Readings please use the following to get the answers you are looking for!

We may have some awareness in our connection with our angels, but have many questions at the beginning of our path, and would like to become informed through mentoring, and are looking for clarity privately.

Also, coaching, with guidance from the angels with a life issue, you might be looking for guidance or mentoring, life coaching with 1-2 sessions, or more if needed.                                        

  Mentoring / coaching 1 on 1 can help you gain clarity for your journey of awakening spiritually and how the angels can guide you on yoir life path.

“So many of us are waking up and remembering why we came here in the first place. Learning how our connections to our guides, angels have always been there.   We have said yes to the universe and acknowledge the signs and synchronicities in our everyday life, remind us they are there for us.”

45 minute sessions 75.00

Hour session is 95.00


The Akashic Record is the past, present and future knowledge of all things.  It is the recording of

the soul’s journey since inception, as well as the possibilities of its unfoldment in the future.  Referred to in virtually every ancient spiritual teaching, it is known in the Bible as The Book of Life.  An Akashic Record Consultation consists of opening up the records of one’s Soul and allowing the information from this profound spiritual level to come forward.  Perceptions and insights from this deep spiritual perspective will support you in your life right now.  Specifics about past lives may or may not be relevant.  What is generally valuable is guidance as to how to work through patterns present in one’s current life and opportunities for growth and direction.


We will be working with the Light of the Holy Spirit for the highest good of all.  We surrender to the Divine Spirit for all direction.  I open myself to the information available from your Records and allow myself to look and to say that which comes directly to me.  We work with your questions, so it is important to prepare yourself by reflecting on your current life circumstances and where you would like greater clarity.  Your openness determines to a large extent what happens during the session and what Spirit can bring forward.


Please remember that all counsel and healing given in this session is presented to assist you with your own consciousness.  You may choose to share this experience with others.  You are responsible for the results of their receiving the information as it is recounted or interpreted by you.


I do my best to relay what I am given to the best of my ability, presenting you with all that is conveyed to me during the Akashic Record consultation in confidentiality.  It will be supportive if you understand that no matter what I say, you are responsible for reviewing the session in the context of your own life.  Please consider the overall impact of our moments together as we allow Spirit to move through our path.  You may feel the effect immediately or months after, or both.


How to ask questions


The best types of questions are







Can you tell me…?

To ask questions such as

How questions tool/

s is difficult for the teachers, masters of the Akashic records, to answer these types of questions,  they will give you back either yes or no  answers, with no explanation.


The Akashic records help us to find the patterns that will help us to heal. Many times what we are experiencing in our lives are patterns that have been passed down through our ancestral families, beliefs, and traditions, how we act in certain situations could be something we can understand when accessing the records, and through this understanding we can let this go and not let the pattern continue

So when understanding the root of the issue, we can let go and move forward.


How the reading will go

  1. We will go over the questions you have for the masters, teachers of the records
  2. Discuss what it most important and proceed from there
  3. Talk about what is most needed to be asked
  4. And the answers you see
  5. I will recite the Pathway Prayer
  6. I will ask you your birth name so I can access your records and then start asking the questions you have tonight.\
  7. I will offer the insights and information I  received  from your teachers and masters of the akashic records


To prepare,

Have the questions ready


Peg has studied with Linda Howe to be a practitioner of the Akashic Records, through several workshops the past 7 years.


If you have any questions before the reading feel free to call or email your questions…


Thank you

  Peg Jones

Copyright©2017Peg Jones