Meditating with the Angels with Rachelle Croteau

Stressed out?  Overwhelmed?  Looking for a way to ground yourself and find your center, expanding your capacity for peace and health? 

The benefits of meditation are vast and profound and range from health improvement to mental and emotional and spiritual strength and healing.  Many of us want to meditate but have a hard time committing to it, or even knowing if we are doing it right. 

Rachelle’s group is a perfect way to start or continue a meditating practice.  In her meditation group, you will learn to quiet your mind and welcome the healing energy of the angels.  You will experience tools and techniques for working with the angels in your everyday life.  They are standing by to assist you with releasing stress, comforting you in times of worry and grief, releasing emotional blockages, and bringing more peace and joy into your life.

Our customers (and the UC team!) are loving Rachelle’s meditations.  The angels provide a focus and a direct resource to call on during the week when you are meditating on your own.  Says one customer, “It’s a wonderful way to get to do something for myself.  I get an hour and a half to focus on my own well-being and connection to spirit, and that makes me a much happier and more balanced wife, mom, worker — and all my other roles — during the week.  I’m able to decompress from the previous week and recharge for the coming week.”  

During the guided meditations, some customers see colors, scenes, even sometimes the angels!  One customer reports that when she focused on clearing her throat during a meditation, she immediately felt a surge of confidence. 

Rachelle’s meditation meets every Tuesday morning from 10-11:30am.  The fee is $15 ($12 each when you sign up with a friend, or get a special package deal of $105 when you sign up for 8 in a row).  Preregistration is recommended for planning purposes.  Please call 508.697.2334.