
“I would absolutely come back to Mandy! The reading was excellent. I loved every moment, felt uplifted and happy. Mandy has a great gift and the reading was surreal. Thank you so much.”  [medium reading]


“She (Mandy) gave me lots to think about.  She hit right on in regards to how I react, feel, and act.  She was very clear and helpful.” [animal medicine card reading]

How to Have a Good Reading with a Medium

First, come with an open mind and heart. 

Second, know that if you are looking to connect with one specific individual in the spirit world, it cannot be guaranteed that they will show up in a reading; you may hear from old friends or be the middleman who passes messages to a friend. That’s not to say you will not hear from the certain person you wish to connect with– just that it cannot always be guaranteed.

Third, if possible, get some information about your family beforehand; names, places, occupations, etc. so if the lesser known family members come through you will be able to validate them.

Fourth, know that people who have passed on are coming through to show you that life continues and they are still around you.  They are not coming through to give you predictions.

Fifth, spirit manifests and provides evidence in many ways; physical features, personality, relationships, names, memories, favorite hobbies etc. Be open to validate whatever comes through from spirit. Please listen to the information that is coming through.  It may not be obvious to the Medium that something is important, but it could be very significant to you.

Sixth, please do not wait to hear what YOU may want to hear; a medium can only give you what they are getting by interpreting the information the best way they can.  Each psychic/medium is different and unique in their abilities. Every session is different and every spirit that comes through is just as unique. Please keep an open mind and listen to the information coming through, so you can have a rewarding and positive experience.