Regina Sall

Services: Akashic Record Readings, Oracle Card Readings, Practice Presence Silent Meditation, Mediumship
Session Descriptions:

Power of Now Sessions—Practicing Presence
The moment you practice presence, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You begin to realize there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of intelligence. You begin to realize that love, creativity, inner peace arise from beyond the mind.  Power of Now sessions are opportunities to practice staying present in everyday life.

Intuitive Oracle Card and Tarot Consultation
When life seems to be full of doubt and uncertainty we tend to look for a source of inspiration: what will happen in the future? What about my health, the children? What will happen if I make this decision and not that one? This is how card readings are often used, to satisfy a longing to know about the past and future.  These consultations focuses instead on gaining an insight and understanding of the here and now.  The understanding should be clear- you only have one moment in your hands- the present moment.  How are you going to live it?

‘I am Ready’ Intuitive Session

Why is this session called ‘I am Ready’?   Because you have decided you ARE ready …to make changes and open to a different way of being. You already feel like something is missing, something does not feel right. You are ready for change. Card readings are often used to satisfy a longing to know about future; however, the energies of these consultations focus instead on gaining an insight and understanding of your life now.   The understanding should be clear- you only have one moment in your hands- the present moment.   How are you going to live it? Are you doing the same thing and expecting different results?   If you are ready for insight and guidance and prepared to take action to implement change, come on in.

As an Intuitive Medium, Regina provides an opportunity to receive messages and information from your departed loved ones and other persons you may have known who have passed. This is a healing opportunity that allows you to know your loved ones are always with you.

Akashic Record Consultation
When you seek the perspective of Akashic Records, they help you empower yourself to be who you need to be in the moment.  The Akashic Records contain the vibrational records of each individual soul and its journey.  They contain the records of all that was, is and possibilities of what could be.  Providing truth, information and support is the role of the Akashic Records.  The Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones of the Akashic Records give you power by helping you examine a situation, broaden your perspective and see what’s true. They will not tell you what to do. They leave the responsibility where it belongs–with you.